Man Claims To Have Found Underwater Alien Base After ‘Creature Found On Beach’ (Video)

Fancy a good old conspiracy theory? Of course, you do, which is good because we’ve got a doozy for you. Apparently, aliens are hiding in secret underwater bases. Have a look at one for yourself:

Brian Daniel is no stranger to the odd bonkers theory, and in one of his latest videos, he has explained why he believes there is a major government conspiracy afoot.

In a post to his TikTok account, he says that he witnessed an actual real-life alien being dealt with by government officials after it washed up on a beach.

And it got him thinking about what secrets the seas may hold to our understanding of extra-terrestrial life.

“I decided to investigate the origin of the alien and I stumbled across what looks like an underwater alien base,” he tells his followers in a chilling tone.

Showing images of the supposed base, Daniel, who has previously spoken out about allegedly being followed by US secret service agents, goes on: “Notice the circular structure deep underwater with an opening in the centre.

“When viewed from land, we can see what looks like a UFO above the alien base.

“When you take a closer look at the underwater alien base, we can see that there is a 27ft opening in the centre.

“Is this where the UFOs go to hide from us?”

Now, not to pour cold water on his pretty fool-proof theory but the ‘UFO’ he points to in the stills looks awfully like a regular human-made boat just bobbing along.

But I guess that’s what the aliens would want me to think, wouldn’t they?!

Daniel’s investigation was recently discussed on the History channel’s Ancient Aliens, which looks at ‘the most credible alien evidence here on Earth’.

Author Andrew Collins said on the programme: “There have been reports that objects, strange lights, actually rise up out of the waters into the air and move about for a period of time and then disappear.

“And often this is either witnessed from the beach or is experienced close hand by fishermen, and it said that sometimes these objects come so close that the fishermen can actually feel the heat as they pass.”

Fellow author Mike Bara added: “There have been sightings of flying saucers appearing over the wreckage flying into and out of mountains in volcanoes in the area.

“So the whole area is really pretty interesting.”

Another commentator on the show said the UFOs are often sighted in the ocean, as well as the sky.

He said: “People often talk about seeing light not only in the sky, but in the ocean as well, that you see lights in the ocean.

“And then you see lights flying past overhead as well, and sometimes crashing into the ocean. Like a plane crash.”

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