Scientists came with a new Hypothesis: Why we have not meet yet aliens

  Long have scientists pondered the topic of why extraterrestrials do not visit Earth. Recently, two academics set out to answer this question by proposing an unorthodox hypothesis: established civilizations simply ceased to develop or perished. Their findings were published in the journal Royal Society Open Science.

A new idea indicates that as extraterrestrial civilizations grow and improve technologically, they will ultimately reach a point where innovation cannot keep up with energy consumption. There will be a further collapse.

The most rational course of action is to forgo the “steady growth” assumption in favor of achieving equilibrium. In such a circumstance, according to the experts, humanity will lose the possibility to go to other stars.

When analyzing the process of urbanization, scientists reached these results. These studies demonstrate that when a city’s population develops, its size and energy consumption rise exponentially, leading inexorably to crisis points or singularities that cause quick interruptions in growth followed by an even more rapid, civilization-ending collapse.

“We hypothesize that once a civilization transitions into what can be described as one practically connected global city, it will experience ‘asymptotic burnout’, an ultimate crisis where the time scale of the singularity interval becomes smaller than the time scale of innovation,” they wrote.

Civilizations on the verge of collapse will be the simplest for humans to identify, according to the study, since they will release a great deal of energy.

The researchers conclude that mankind will be the first to find sentient life that is not yet fully formed.

The researchers argue that in order to avert their demise, civilizations may refuse to go to other stars for the sake of societal welfare. Although such civilizations will not be able to forgo space travel entirely, they will not be able to establish contact with Earth.

The scientists underline that their idea is based on observation of the principles that appear to govern life on Earth and is thus conventional.

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