Sightings of UFOs on the moon between 1964 and 1969 (videos)

For centuries, people have reported seeing UFOs on the moon. There are scientific interpretations, but none are standard or generally accepted. On the Moon, our natural satellite, a number of similar occurrences have been observed and recorded, just as new reports of UFO sightings on Earth appear on a daily basis. In fact, a secret NASA catalog contains more than 580 strange events and objects that have been observed and followed for four centuries without receiving an acceptable conventional explanation.
With this said, it is coherent that most UFO sightings on the Moon have happened in the previous hundred years or, all the more explicitly, in the years after the main Moon landing. Consequently, I might want to address a few claimed UFO sightings on the Moon that are specifically noteworthy from the period presently previously and during the Moon arrival. Naturally, NASA, no other agency, and no government have confirmed these sightings; however, witnesses, including astronomers and astronauts, have acknowledged them during missions. Chronology of Moon UFO Sightings The most frequently reported moon UFO sightings are slow-moving lights like the one in the picture above. Source: Shutterstock Two sightings in 1964 On May 18, 1964, American astronomers Harris and Cross observed a bright spot traveling on the moon’s surface for one hour and fifteen minutes at a speed of 32 kilometers per hour. On June 21 of that year, Harris, Cross, and Heland saw a dark object traveling south of the Ross crater at speeds ranging from 32 to 80 kilometers per hour. This leaves us with two distinct UFO sightings on the Moon, neither of which the agencies have discussed publicly. Mare Tranquillitatis – 1967
Alien hunters believe they have spotted a UFO on the Moon in NASA pics | Weird | News | On September 11, 1967, people in Montreal saw a body that looked like a parallelepiped with purple lights at the edges in the Sea of Tranquility (Mare Tranquillitatis in Latin). The body stopped being noticeable close to the line of the eliminator (the limit among constantly), and following 14 minutes, a yellow light emitted around the Sabin cavity briefly. After twenty days, another UFO locating on the Moon incorporated a brilliant spot seen moving at a rough speed of 80 km/h in a similar spot. Aristarchus Pit – 1968
Alleged UFO that crossed over moon sparks alien debate (VIDEO) - IBTimes India In 1968, American specialists saw how three red light spots converged into one in the Aristarchus hole region. Simultaneously, Japanese space experts noticed a pink spot that covered the southern piece of this cavity. Consequently, two red and one blue stripes, 8 kilometers wide and 50 kilometers in length, showed up in the cavity. Amazingly, they were easily observable during a full moon, when the moon’s surface is bathed in blinding light and it is not ideal to use a telescope to look for bright spots. Apollo 11 landed 100 kilometers from the Sabin Crater in the summer of 1969, prompting UFO sightings on the moon and additional evidence. Besides the fact that the space explorers apparently owned up to UFO sightings on the Moon, yet they likewise saw remarkable things. For instance, it turned out that the engines of the lunar module had not yet melted the ground at the landing site. Teacher T. Gald finished up, in light of the examples got from the moon, that this spot was illuminated under quite a while back with a strong progression of energy. The impact lasted anywhere from ten to one hundred seconds. The obscure energy source was adequately close to the moon’s surface, as the seared region was irrelevant. It is likewise evident that the softening was not the consequence of a shooting star since there was no cavity there. Secret Space UFOs - In the Beginning (2022) - IMDb
Astronaut James McDivitt UFO Sighting - YouTube It ought not be failed to remember that when American space travelers originally set foot on the Moon, they saw hints of chains close to the arrival site. Also that years after the fact, space explorer Buzz Aldrin, one of the three space travelers of Apollo 11, conceded that they saw various UFOs during the flight and keeping in mind that on the outer layer of the Moon. Should we then find it strange that the measuring complex brought to the moon by the Apollo 11 mission behaved strangely, reactivating arbitrarily after an unexpected self-shutdown and performing better? The station’s autonomous power supply’s batteries performed as though they had been regularly recharged.
Ancient Alien Ship Found Landed In Crater On Moon, 100% Proof Aliens Exist, Aug 2020, Photos, UFO Sighting News. - UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY To conclude on a high note, I must mention that the Apollo 11 mission changed our understanding of the universe and our natural satellite, as well as the potential for extraterrestrial life to which we have been repeatedly exposed. It is hard to believe that UFO sightings on Earth and the Moon have increased at such a rapid rate since then. I accept we shocked them with our capacities, and we turned into an undeniably really thrilling objective for perception.
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