Thailand finds skeletons of giant aliens 5 times bigger than humans (Videos)

In this video you will learn about astonishing archaeological discoveries: tiny mummies, Egyptian sarcophagi buried over 2500 years ago, giant animals and other mysterious findings that science still cannot explain. Don’t forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon. It will bring you good luck. Remember those creatures from the TV show Doctor Who? Similar skulls were found by archaeologists in the Caucasus. They were lying in a chest with the emblem of a German occult organization known as the anonerb. The society was active in the 1940s and its aim was to search for mystical relics. Judging by the shape of the skulls, the beings to which these remains belonged were definitely horned and bipedal. They also lacked a mouth, but two openings were present on the sides of the head. To whom these skulls belonged and what exactly anonerb was searching for in the Caucasus remains a mystery for scientists. Thai archaeologists discovered the bones of a gigantic animal several kilometers away from Bangkok. Just the head alone measures three meters in length and the entire skeleton is 39 feet long. Scientists have already extracted 80 skeletons. It is believed that the remains belong to a British whale that lived about 5 000 years ago. This discovery provides evidence that several thousand years ago, parts of Southeast Asia were completely underwater. In Scotland, a cave with 17 tiny coffins, each less than three, 94 inches long, was accidentally discovered. They would easily fit in the palm of your hand. The coffins were nailed together with boot tacks and inside were carved figurines of men in clothing. Some of the figurines were missing one or two hands. Who made them and why? Is still unclear. They may have been part of a voodoo magical ritual. The Copper Scroll of the Dead Sea is an ancient Jewish religious manuscript discovered in the caves of qumran on the western shore of the Dead Sea. One of these Scrolls is unique as it is written on metal, unlike the others, which were made of parchment or papyrus. This Copper Scroll is a treasure map indicating the locations where gold and silver are presumably buried. The Copper Scroll stands out from the other Dead Sea Scrolls not only in its content, but also in its medium of conveying information, suggesting that it was likely stored in the cave at different times. The scroll lists over 4 600 precious metals and if these items are found, their value could reach billions of dollars. The hypogeium of Houseofleni is a unique and well-preserved prehistoric monument on the island of Malta. This complex of cave Chambers resembling a Necropolis burial chamber and temples is an underground burial site and one of the earliest and most famous complexes associated with the ritualization of life and death.
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